Ra Ra Riot w/ The Pomegranates @ The Firebird
March 17, 2011
[show_avatar email=julie@iwenttoashow.com align=left avatar_size=62] I’m sure you know this, but I’m willing to risk preaching to the choir.
St. Louis is a neat city.
We have outstanding music venues, the best independent radio station, and fantastically friendly, dedicated music fans. We also know our way around the internets, and we *love* our social media.
For a detailed and eloquent show review, do check out Katie Moulton’s write up for the Riverfront Times. Louis Kwok also has a full set of photos from the show. For sweet tunes, go over to KDHX’s Soundcloud and listen to Ra Ra Riot’s studio session.
Please enjoy the following tweet series from the SOLD OUT Ra Ra Riot/ Pomegranates show Tuesday night.
St. Louis, Missouri
The Firebird, Midtown
~~ In Tweets~~
HE WAS!!! And toward the end of the night, he told us that he wears that shirt all over the country when they tour. I wish I had video of him when he said, “And when people ask me, ‘Wes, are you from St. Louis?’ I say, ‘No, but I sure wish I was.’”
(In the crowd’s defense, it was a sold out night and only two dudes were being j-holes, so there’s that.)
And my eyes filled with tears the next morning, when I saw Ra Ra Riot retweet friend of the band Andy Maury’s first tweet of the day:
It also rules when a venue thanks their patrons! Thank you, Firebird, and St. Louis!