THE PIRATES OF YOUR HEART — Pearl and the Beard

[show_avatar align=left avatar_size=50] August 31st, 2011, Jefferson Warehouse.

We didn’t hear about this show until well into the afternoon (thanks Karl!!). I’d never heard of them before, and I mused to the messenger, “Pearl and the Beard? Is it a pirate band?” @PEARLntheBEARD’s  label, @familyrecords, retweeted me with an answer: “PIRATES OF YOUR HEART!”

Who can resist such a claim? Not me.

A cello, a floor tom, a snare drum, a tiny toy glockenspiel, a melodica,  and an acoustic guitar. Add two fiesty ladies and a mellow dude with a big beard, and you have something dangerous: killer neo-classical folk, cute with power, beauty with honesty, and a damn fine concert. After three songs, Jeremy Styles remarks, “Hey, we’re on tour! St. Louis! They should call this place St. Fun! Or… Fun Louis?” And with sincerity, even though there weren’t many of us at the venue who weren’t performing that night. And shortly after the stomp clap spiritual “Douglas, Douglas,” when cellist Emily Hope Price realized her cello was no longer amplified, they gracefully resisted the urge to grouse. The Warehouse  flipped switches, while Jocelyn Mackenzie told a joke.

Why was the lake so scary?

Because it was for boating. (I lolled).

Styles countered with, What is a burglar’s least favorite food?


But when the groaning stopped and the soundboard gremlin hadn’t been sussed out, shit went unplugged. All three members grabbed their instruments and hopped down onto the floor. Every kid in the audience rose from their seats to gather around the band and listen. Hope Price plucked her cello, Mackenzie played the melodica and tapped her tambourine with her foot while Styles bowed his guitar. And all that would have been amazing enough, but every member has a powerful, smart voice, too. Reminiscent of folk charmer Anna Vogelzang, Emily Hope Price’s voice soared through the room with a controlled fierceness that needed no microphone.

So charming, gracious and effusive are Pearl and the Beard, when their final song came way too soon, nobody could bring themselves to even complain.

Pick up their record, Killing the Darlings. The LP comes on pink vinyl, download included, for $15.99. Buy it and be prepared for the magic when they make their way back to St. Louis. We’ll be ready-er for them next time. The Pearl and the Beard are rememberers!



I’ve never seen two bands who seemed to like each other so much. I assumed they were on tour together for ages. P&tB clapped for every song from St. Louis’ Spot Ons (Even the Silvia & Mickey cover of Love is Strange) and Jocelyn Mackenzie came up and gave the hugest hug to Kate Peterson.  And Kate kept the cups of water coming for the trio throughout their performance. I do believe I’m forever spoiled for Brooklyn bands coming to our wee city and treating it like home.

Owners of the Warehouse offered everyone in the room a free drink for the soundboard issue, but I don’t think anyone took them up on it. We got our money’s worth and then some. Free candy at the bar, comfy chairs, and smiling owners and bartenders. What a neat venue!

Sorry my phone pooped out early, so I didn’t get any pictures, but it was also dark on the floor anyway, so it wouldn’t have mattered. I did get this cute picture of Spot On Kate, taking a picture of their set up.


Spot On Kate

To give you an idea of how swank The Warehouse is.

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